
Brett Estry is an affiliate member of the Society of Will Writers. BEC Lasting Power of Attorney and Will Services is his firm. We provide LPA and Will documents based on our client's instructions and reflecting their individual circumstances.
The firm works in partnership with Willpack which has been drafting Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney for over 30 years. It is not formally regulated. The drafting staff at WillPack are members of the Society of Will Writers.
The LPA and Will documents and also any advice that WillPack provides and that I provide as instruction taker are covered by WillPack's Professional Indemnity insurance up to the insured amount.
Will writing and LPA drafting are not regulated activities and this firm is not formally regulated. We act in adherence to The Competition and Markets Authority's guidance for firms in this sector.
My membership of The Society of Will Writers involves undertaking continuing professional development and requires that I abide by the Society's code of practice.